
  • 摘要: 研制了一套3H 14C联合取样装置,并用该装置对某重水研究堆烟囱气态排出流中3H、14C浓度进行了5次测量。结果表明,开堆期间(堆运行功率7MW)3H、14C浓度分别约为1 29×104、220Bq m3。3H浓度变化受堆芯相关操作影响较大,14C的浓度变化表现为随着反应堆的运行逐渐升高,停堆以后逐渐下降。测量结果基本反应了该堆的运行情况。


    Abstract: A 3H/14C associated sampling device is developed. The 3H and 14C concentration in the air effluent of a heavy water research reactor is measured for 5 times by using it. The results show that the 3H and 14C concentration are 1.29×104 and 220 B q/m3, respectively during the reactor operation period, the 3H concentra tion is mainly affected by the relating reactor core operation, and the  14C concentration being relative to the reactor power rises with the reactor r unning and decreases with the reactor closing.


