AFA 3G及其它高性能燃料组件
AFA 3G and Other Designs of High Performance Fuel Assemblies
摘要: 文章着重介绍了国际上大规模入堆的高性能AFA 3G燃料组件的设计特点和制造特点、Performance+组件的设计特点及目前正开发的其它高性能燃料组件。介绍了高性能燃料组件的使用现状,并对我国压水堆高性能燃料的发展提出了一些建议。Abstract: The paper presents features of high performance fuel assemblies such as AFA 3G and Performance + which are underway of developing currently in views of design and manufacture while discussing on the application status of such fuel assemblies, and gives some opinions on the high performance fuel assemblies for PWRs in China.