Fission Gas Release Measurement for Re-irradiated Fuel Rods
摘要: 反应堆燃料元件的裂变气体释放率测量是辐照后检验的一项重要内容,它对于评价燃料元件的性能起着重要作用。回堆考验组件采用3×3-2再组装小组件方式,由一期考验的3根老棒、4根新棒和2根控制棒导向管组成。3×3-2小组件在中国原子能科学研究院重水研究堆辐照到燃耗(以金属铀计,全文同)30.9GW·d八/t(老棒)时,堆内出现破损信号。随后将其运至热室,非破坏性检验未发现元件棒破损。为此,采用激光刺孔方法将7根元件棒刺穿,测量元件棒气腔内压和裂变气体释放率。结果表明,元件棒内压均不低于再回堆考验前的压力值,从而进一步证实元件棒未发生破损,与一期考验元件相比,回堆后的燃料棒裂变气体释放率无明显增加。Abstract: Fission gas release measurement of reactor fuel rods is one of the main issues of post-irradiation examination, which plays a key role to the evaluation of fuel performance. The re-irradiated fuel assembly consisits of 3 spent fuel rods, 4 as-fabricated fuel rods and 2 control rod guide tubes, and is re-fabricated in the hot cell. It was found to be failure when burnt to burnup of 30. 9 GW · d/t and therefore sent to the hot laboratory for examination. With conventional non-destructive examination methods, no fuel rod was found to be cracked. Eventually laser puncture was used to decide if the fuel rods were failed or not depended on the measurement of internal pressure of the fuel rods. After that, fission gas release rate was measured by means of gas chromatograph. Results show that all fuel rods are not cracked, and fission gas release rate is not too much more compared with the first term irradiated fuel assembly.