
  • 摘要: 利用6LiD中子源转换靶室将反应堆热中子转换成聚变谱中子, 可用来进行聚变中子辐照环境下的材料性能研究。应用蒙特卡罗方法模拟聚变谱中子的产生过程, 从理论上验证了这种中子源的可行性。初步计算表明 :1个热中子作用在6LiD源室外表面将在源室内腔中产生 0. 1314个快中子 所产生的快中子具有很好的聚变谱特点, 能量集中在 13.5~ 15.5MeV之间。


    Abstract: 6LiD neutron source, which converts thermal neutrons from the reactor into fusion neutrons, is useful in the field of the material research in fusion neutron irradiation environments. The process of fusion neutron production in6LiD is simulated from Monte-Carlo methods, which indicates the feasibility of the type of neutron source in theory. In the paper, the calculation result shows that every one thermal neutron acts on the outside surface of the converter, 0.131 4 fusion neutrons with a spectrum ranging from 13.5 to 15.5 MeV are produced inside the converter.


