
  • 摘要: (n,a)反应截面对于反应堆,特别是对快堆和聚变堆工程设计是一种很重要的数据。在一些近似条件下,基于核反应蒸发和预平衡激子模型理论研究了入射能量小于 20 MeV的(n,a)激发函数。在靶核30≤A≤209 范围内,基于(n,a)反应的截面实验数据对得到的半经验公式的参数进行了研究,得到了参数对靶核的 N 和 Z 以及中子入射能量的依赖关系。利用普适参数预言(n,a)反应的激发函数,预言值在其误差范围内与实验数据一致。


    Abstract: The production data of helium from neutron--Induced reactions are of primeimportance from the viewpoint of nuclear applications and nuclear reactor technology. Asystematics approach of the cross section for the (n,α) reaction is obtained on the basisof the evaporation and exciton models. The systematic parameters depend on the energyof incident neutron, the mass and charge number of the target nucleus. The predictionsfrom systematics approach of (n, α) cross section are in good agreement with the experi-mental data.


