A Permanent Magnet High-current ECR Ion Source
摘要: 文章介绍一台2.45GHz永磁强流ECR离子源,其直径为10cm,长10cm,重量不足5kg,可工作在直流模式和脉冲模式。脉冲模式引出的氢离子束峰值流强大于100mA,束流密度达到500mA/cm2;直流模式引出束流达到60mA,束流密度为300mA/cm2。两种模式的质子比均达到80%。Abstract: A 2.45 GHz high-current ECR ion source with permanent magnet was deve-(loped). Its outline dimension is about 10 cm for diameter and 10 cm for length, and its weight is less than 5 kg. It can operate in both pulsed mode and DC mode. In pulsed mode more than 100 mA peak current of hydrogen ion beam is extracted, which corresponds a beam density of 500 mA/cm~(2). In DC mode the hydrogen ion current can reach 60 mA, and the beam density is 300 mA/cm~(2). The proton ratios are about 80% in both modes.