Partial Volume Effects of Cold Lesion in Dual-head Coincidence Detection Images
摘要: 部分容积效应是影响图像质量的重要因素,它使图像的像素值与实际值产生偏差。本文探讨部分容积效应对双探头符合图像中冷灶的影响。采用GE.Hawkeye符合成像设备及东芝AZ 618ECT模型。18F FDG的总活度从15.15MBq到204.33MBq分18次扫描。图像重建采用OSEM算法,Hanning后滤波。由重建数据确定冷灶的恢复系数,分析部分容积效应。结果显示,冷灶恢复系数随其背景实际放射性浓度的增高而增大,并随冷灶尺寸的增加而减小。说明部分容积效应不仅随病灶尺寸的减小而增强,且随本底活度的增加而加剧。Abstract: Partial volume effect(PVE) impairs image quality and quantitative accuracy. PVE in dual-head coincidence detection(DHC) images was investigated. Eighteen emission scans were performed with total radioactivity 15.15~204.33 MBq (radioactivity concentration 4.33~58.38 kBq/mL) for a cylindrical phantom (Toshiba AZ-618 ECT phantom) using DHC system (GE. Millennium VG Hawkeye). The images were reconstructed using OSEM algorithm with post filter Hanning (cutoff frequency 0.6). The results show that cold lesions' recovery coefficient increases with increasing background's radioactivity concentration and decreases with increasing cold lesions' size. It suggests that PVE of cold lesion in DHC is related to radioactivity concentration as well as the size of the lesion, and its severity increaseswith increasing radioactivity of the background.