Effect of Reducing Statistical Fluctuation of Gamma Spectra by Method of Wavelet Analysis
摘要: 讨论了在对γ谱进行小波消噪分析时一些参数的选择问题。采用产生随机模拟谱进行数理统计的方法,对小波分析方法降低γ谱统计涨落的作用进行了研究。小波消噪后的γ谱每道上的计数统计涨落可降低至原来的几分之一,但道计数数据间具有很强的相关性。Abstract: Some steps such as choosing wavelet and level in de-noising signals of gamma spectra with wavelet analysis are discussed. For studying the effect of reducing statistical fluctuation by applying wavelet analysis, several hundred random simulated gamma spectra are produced to make statistics calculation. The statistical fluctuation of counts in each channel can be reduced several times after disposed by wavelet de-noising, but the correlation of data between channels should be noticed.