
Drivers for Data Acquisition Card Based on PCI Bus on HT-7 Tokamak in iRmx and VxWorks

  • 摘要: 在iRmx和VxWorks两种实时操作系统下开发实现了HT7托卡马克上PCI数据采集系统,解决了过去系统中存在的实时性和内存溢出两个关键问题。本文结合两种操作系统环境中PCI数据采集的具体实现,对iRmx和VxWorks下有关PCI采集驱动的开发进行了分析和比较。


    Abstract: In order to resolve the memory overflowing and improve the real time ability of the previous data acquisition system (DAS) based on PCI bus on HT-7 Tokamak, the iRmx and VxWorks operation systems were applied separately, and both of these problems were resolved preferably. The PCI DAS card drivers in these two operation systems were introduced and their differences were analyzed.


