Classification Algorithm of Web Document in Ionization Radiation
摘要: Internet上拥有取之不尽用之不竭的资源。将某一行业或领域的资源更多、更好地提取出来一直是Web挖掘的研究方向之一。本文以Bayes、Rocchio和Widrow-Hoff算法为基础,研究了电离辐射计量领域的网页分类,并对3种算法的试验效果给出了分析。Abstract: Resources in the Internet is numerous. It's one of research directions of Web mining(WM) how to mine the resource of some calling or trade more efficiently.The paper studies the classification of Web document in ionization radiation(IR) based on the algorithm of Bayes,Rocchio,Widrow-Hoff,and analyses the result of trial effect.