
  • 摘要: 试验研究了微氧化气氛下二氧化铀芯块的低温烧结。试验结果表明:当烧结温度固定时,烧结块的密度随烧结时间的延长而升高;在相同的烧结时间内,提高烧结温度,烧结块的密度随之提高,且提高程度比延长烧结时间提高的程度更为显著。


    Abstract: The low-temperature sintering of UO_2 pellets in the partial-pressure oxidization atmosphere is studied. The density of sintered pellets increases with the sintering time when the sintering temperature is fixed. The density of sintered pellets increases with the sintering temperature at constant sintering time and the increment of the sintered-pellet density with the sintering temperature is much more significant than that with sintering time.


