
Iterated Function System Fractal Image Code on Instability of VaporWater Two Phase Flow

  • 摘要: 文章提出了将小波包分析数据压缩和消噪并与迭代函数系统(IFS)分形理论相结合用以研究汽液两相流动不稳定性的一种新方法。首先对实验得到的汽液两相流动不稳定性的振动曲线进行小波包数据压缩和消噪,得到用主要的小波低频和高频系数重新表示的信号;然后对新得到的信号提取IFS分形码,分别得到信号的高频和低频IFS分形码。这一新方法为深入研究汽液两相流动不稳定性的物理本质奠定基础。


    Abstract: A novel method is put forward for studying the instability of vapor water two phase flow. This method combines data compression and denoising based on wavelet analysis with the iterated function system(IFS)fractal image code techniques. Firstly, the experiment data are compressed and denoised by wavelet and the data signals can be expressed by the low and high main frequency coefficients of wavelet, and then the fractal codes are abstracted from the compressed experiment data based on IFS. The fractal codes can be divided into low and high frequency parts automatically. The farther studies on the instability of vapor water two phase flow can be carried out based on these fractal codes.


