
Technology of Filling Hollow Glass Microsphere With D2/Ne

  • 摘要: 本工作主要研究空心玻璃微球对D2和Ne气体渗透系数的差异,以及研究采用热扩散法在高压充气系统上向空心玻璃微球充入D2/Ne混合气体的充气工艺。利用干涉条纹法测量了在充气和保气时Ne的气体渗透系数,它们分别为KNe,350 ℃=2.6×10-18和KNe,25 ℃=8.0×10-22 mol•m-1•s-1•Pa-1。根据D2的气体渗透系数确定了玻璃微球充D2/Ne混合气体的充气方法和充气平衡时间,平衡时间以充纯Ne时间为准。此外,还研究了空心玻璃微球充入混合气体后的保气性能。


    Abstract: The hollow glass microsphere(HGM) is one of targets used in inertial confinement fusion(ICF) experiments,and it is filled with the fuel gas and the diagnosis gas, such as mixture of D2 and Ne. In order to control the D2-Ne ratio of mixed gas and total pressure in the HGM, the Ne permeability and the permeability difference between Ne and D2 in the HGM are studied. The primary experiments show that Ne permeability is 2.6×10-18 and 8.0×10-22 mol•m-1•s-1•Pa-1 at 350 and 25℃, respectively. It is concluded that D2/Ne filling time is determined by the Ne permeability because the Ne permeability is small at 350 ℃. On the basis of these experiments, the HGM was filled with the mixture of D2 and Ne.


