
Study on Primary Coolant System Depressurization Effect Factorin Pressurized Water Reactor

  • 摘要: 研究压水堆一回路管道小小破口失水事故叠加辅助给水失效导致的高压堆芯熔化严重事故进程,对比验证不同严重事故缓解措施入口温度条件下一回路卸压缓解途径的充分性和有效性,并确认较佳的一回路冷却系统(RCS)降压途径。结果显示,以低于650 ℃的温度作为降压缓解措施入口条件,可及时恢复可能的堆芯冷却能力。一、二回路卸压效果分析表明,考虑了长期衰变热移出注水流量和堆芯过冷度要求,较佳的卸压配置为初期打开一列稳压器卸压阀,同时迅速恢复辅助给水并开启蒸汽发生器卸压阀。


    Abstract: The progression of high-pressure core melting severe accident induced by very small break loss of coolant accident plus the loss of main feed water and auxiliary feed water failure is studied, and the entry condition and modes of primary cooling system depressurization during the severe accident are also estimated. The results show that the temperature below 650 ℃ is preferable depressurization input temperature allowing recovery of core cooling, and the available and effective way to depressurize reactor cooling system and to arrest very small break loss of coolant accident sequences is activating pressurizer relief valves initially, then restoring the auxiliary feedwater and opening the steam generator relief valves. It can adequately reduce the primary pressure and keep the capacity loop of long-term core cooling.


