
Basic Experimental Study on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy

  • 摘要: 分别利用241Am放射源和HI-13串列加速器产生的α粒子和7Li离子来模拟硼中子俘获治疗中的核反应产物,对DNA水溶液进行辐照,然后利用原子力显微镜(AFM)对DNA碎片进行观测,最后通过大量的统计分析获取DNA碎片长度、DNA形态的实验数据。实验结果表明:DNA碎片的平均长度随剂量的增大逐渐减小;线性和开环的DNA分子所占的比例随着剂量的增大逐渐增多;7Li离子比α粒子具有更强的相对生物学效应。


    Abstract: α particles and 7 Li ions are produced by radionuclide 241Am and the HI-13 tandem accelerator respectively to simulate productions of BNCT(Boron Neutron Capture Therapy). DNA solution is irradiated by the above rays in air firstly, and then the DNA fragments are analized by AFM(Atomic Force Microscopy). The software ImageJ is used to measure the length of DNA fragments. Lastly, the experimental data of DNA fragments and DNA configuration are obtained. The results show that the mean length of DNA fragments increase as dose decreases; the fraction of linear and open circle DNA molecules increase as dose decreases; lithium particles cause strong relative biological effects than α particles.


