
Study on Sensitivities of Evaluation Indices for Nuclear Power Plant Evaluation System

  • 摘要: 为开发先进反应堆评价系统,通过层次分析、模糊综合决策方法得到了评价结果。然后,变化经济性、安全性和技术性评价指标的权重,研究这3个指标在不同权重下的评价结果,从而得到了对评价结果的敏感性分析。结合分析结果,对各评价结果进行了比较和总结。


    Abstract: For developing an advanced evaluation system to assess nuclear power plant, a number of comprehensive evaluation-decision making methods, including the AHP-weighted summation method, the comprehensive fuzzy evaluation method, are employed to produce evaluation results. By changing the weight factors of evaluation indices characterizing the economics, safety and technology of nuclear power plant, the variations of evaluation with weight factors were studied and the sensitivities of these indices were analysed. Finally, the evaluation results were compared and discussed based on comprehensive analysis.


