
Real-time Numerical Simulation With High Efficiency for an Experimental Reactor System

  • 摘要: 根据实验反应堆的物理特性,建立堆芯动态模型,探讨多种实时仿真算法的实现途径。研究提出了进行数字化实时仿真的一种高效实现方法。为配合功率调节系统半实物仿真试验而实现了一座实验反应堆在Windows平台下的实时仿真系统。


    Abstract: The paper presents a systematic and efficient method for numerical real-time simulation of an experimental reactor. The reactor models were built based on the physical characteristics of the experimental reactor, and several real-time simulationapproaches were discussed and compared in the paper. How to implement the real-time reactor simulation system in Windows platform for the sake of hardware-in-loop experiment for the reactor power control system was discussed.


