
Study on Re-location Technique of Micrometer-Size Particles

  • 摘要: 在直径25 mm的石墨垫上镀膜或粘贴制作微定位标记,进行SEM-SEM、SIMS-SIMS、SEM-SIMS之间的微粒定位。SEM-SEM之间的微粒定位偏差约为10 μm,而SEM-SIMS和SIMS-SIMS之间的微粒定位精度偏差约为15 μm。实验表明:粘贴制作微定位标记和矩阵定位算法的组合是一种简便、适应性强、成本低和有效的微粒定位和再定位方法。


    Abstract: Three or more micrometer-size location marks were prepared on a carbon disk with 25 mm in diameter by vacuum-deposition of metallic thin-film patterns or pasting metallic standard TEM(transmission electron microscopy) finder grids, and μm-size particles were precisely re-located in SEM/SEM, SIMS/SIMS and SEM/SIMS. The re-location deviation is about 10 μm in SEM/SEM,about 15 μm in SEM/SIMS and in SIMS/SIMS. The method of pasting marks with matrix numeration is easier to apply, and is low cost and more compliant.


