
Application of Monte-Carlo Method in Design of On-Line Neutron Activation Analysis System

  • 摘要: 选取重水、石墨、聚乙烯等6种慢化材料,利用MCNP程序对不同的慢化材料进行模拟计算分析。计算结果表明,中子活化在线分析系统的最优化慢化材料为聚乙烯。实验测定了以聚乙烯为慢化材料的中子活化分析系统的热中子注量率随源到引出孔之间的距离以及探测器处于不同位置时的分布关系,为下一步进行中子活化在线分析研究提供了依据。


    Abstract: he optimum neutron activation analysis system is designed by using Monte-Carlo simulation for 6 kinds of moderator materials, and the optimum moderator material is polyethylene. The thermal neutron flux density distribution of the shield equipment adopting polyethylene as the moderator material was experimentally measured, and the optimum position of the neutron source and the detector was determined. The results lay the foundation for the study of on-line neutron activation analysis system.


