The RF accelerating station for the multipurpose cooling storage ring(CSR) system, constructed at Institute of Modern Physics(IMP) is described. The RF station was tested at IMP and now is installed into the main ring of the facilities. The RF station is operated in the frequency range of 0. 25~1.7 MHz, and maximum accelerating voltage is 8 kV. The resonance frequency of the RF cavity is tuned in the whole frequency range by biasing of ferrites, which are used in the cavity. Ferrites of 600HH type were used in the cavity. The pressure in the cavity vacuum chamber is lower than 3×10
-9 Pa. RF cavity, RF generator, and power supplies are made in one module. Maximum output power of the RF generator is 30 kW. Low level control electronics are placed separately in a rack. The RF station control is based on the compact PCI bus and provides