
Prototype of Power Supply Control of Transport Lines in BEPCⅡ

  • 摘要: 在北京正负电子对撞机重大改造工程(BEPCⅡ)中,为能有效地利用现有的CAMAC设备,研究提出采用VME模块作为CAMAC串行驱动器(Serial Driver),与CAMAC机箱连成串行通道系统,通过CAMAC机箱控制器对CAMAC I/O功能插件进行控制操作,实现对输运线磁铁电源的远程控制。文章描述与实现这一方案相关的CAMAC I/O驱动程序和应用软件的开发与调试。该样机系统的研制成功解决了BEPCⅡ控制系统研发中的关键技术。


    Abstract: In order to effectively utilize the existing CAMAC devices in BEPCⅡ and realize the remote control of the magnet power supplies in the transport lines, VME modules are used as CAMAC serial driver, which can be connected with CAMAC crates to compose serial highway, and control CAMAC I/O modules via a CAMAC crate controller. The paper describes the procedure including development of CAMAC I/O modules and the application software. This prototype system solves some important problems on the construction of PEPCⅡ.


