
Compensation of Linear Optical Parameters With Superconducting Wiggler Magnet in Hefei Light Source

  • 摘要: 合肥光源是1台专用真空紫外光源,为拓展同步辐射用户可用光范围,在储存环上安装了1台6 T的超导扭摆磁铁。超导扭摆磁铁给储存环光学参数带来很大扰动,造成工作点漂移和β函数畸变。最初,在补偿工作点漂移后,成功地存储了束流并产生了硬X射线,但该运行模式下束流寿命短,严重影响其它实验线站的实验工作。在合肥光源二期工程中,重新进行了超导扭摆磁铁补偿计算,在不改变目前储存环磁铁和电源的基础上,同时补偿工作点漂移和β函数畸变,大幅度地改善了束流寿命。


    Abstract: Hefei light source(HLS) is a dedicated VUV light source. A superconducting (SC) wiggler magnet with peak magnetic field of 6 T was installed in the storage ring in order to extend usable synchrotron radiation spectrum to hard X-ray. The SC wiggler brought a large perturbation to optical parameters of the storage ring, including tune shift and β function distortion. At early days, after tune compensation with SC wiggler, beam was successfully stored with a short beam lifetime. In phase Ⅱ project of HLS, the lattice parameters were adjusted to compensate tune shift and β function distortion, then the beam lifetime was improved significantly.


