
On-Site Test of Movable Tritium Removal Device

  • 摘要: 在现场闭路循环工作模式下,采用中国辐射防护研究院研制的小型可移动式除氚器对微量((0.5~1)×10-6)气态氚进行脱氚试验。试验结果表明:催化床在450 ℃工作温度下,空气闭路循环流量为3.8 m3/h时,除氚器可在114 min内将1 m3密封不锈钢罐空气中的氚浓度由4.62×106 Bq/L降至4.62×103 Bq/L。同时,论证了除氚器在现场使用的适应性与安全性,并对其研制和现场性能试验中发现的技术问题进行了论述。


    Abstract: De-tritiation experiments of air with tritium gas in a glove box at closed-loop circulation mode were carried out by a compact tritium removal equipment(TRE) developed by China Institute for Radiation Protection. The TRE will decrease the concentration of tritium in air of glove box with 1 m3 from 4.62×106 Bq/L to lower than 4.62×103 Bq/L within 114 min at air flow rate of 3.8 m3/h and working temperature of 450 ℃ of catalytic bed. The applicability and safety of the TRE for use as tritium facilities is demonstrated also and some technical problems are discussed in this work.


