Calculation Methods of Oil-Saturation Based on New Ratio of Carbon to Oxygen
摘要: 基于新碳氧比和常规碳氧比值及地层孔隙度值,分别采用求含油饱和度的新方法和常规方法,计算含油饱和度随地层深度的变化曲线和数值。比较所得结果得出,用新碳氧比和新的求含油饱和度方法的计算结果与实际测量值一致,是目前结合最好的求含油饱和度的方法。Abstract: Based on the new C/O ratio and old C/O ratio values and the porosity of the formations, two new and two semi-empiric methods were used to calculate the curves and values of oil-saturations changed with depth of formations, respectively. The results show that the new method by new ratio is the best way to calculate the oil-saturation, and the calculated oil-saturation values agree with the real values.