
Research on Fuel Cycle of Thorium Advanced CANDU Reactor

  • 摘要: 在钍基先进CANDU堆的概念设计中,钍燃料的循环利用方式是一重要问题。文章采用中心两圈为钍燃料、外面两圈为稍加浓缩铀燃料的CANFLEX燃料棒束,通过对燃料棒束栅元物理特性的研究,提出了一套切实可行的直接自身再循环的燃料棒束循环方案。


    Abstract: The fuel cycle model is one of the most important problem in the concept design of Thorium Advanced CANDU Reactor(TACR). (Th-U)O2 CANFLEX fuel bundle, with ThO2 elements in the inner two rings and slightly enriched uranium(SEU)elements in the outer two rings, was used in the design of TACR. According to the research on the lattice physics of this fuel bundle, a feasible direct self-recycle method was researched for this Th-U fuel bundle.


