A sampling station was set up in the suburb of southwest Beijing. PM
2.5 (diameter <2.5 μm, fine) and PM
10 (diameter <10 μm, coarse) airborne particulate matter (APM) were collected by a Gent stacked filter unit sampler. The samples, collected during spring and summer of 2005, were analyzed by
k0 instrument neutron activation analysis (INAA) using the software of ADVNAA. The average volume concentrations of PM
2.5 and PM
10 APM during spring season are found to be 41.43 μg/m
3 and 140.82 μg/m
3, respectively, while those during summer season are 50.63 μg/m
3 and 119.10 μg/m
3, respectively. The major pollution elements and their variations with season and special weather condition are primarily identified by enrichment factor analysis.