
Proton Induced X-ray Emission Analysis on Source of Raw Materials of Junguan Porcelain Bodies With Various Glaze Colors

  • 摘要: 为了解不同釉色钧官瓷胎的原料来源和分类关系,选取来自8种不同釉色钧官瓷的胎样品50个,对这些样品进行质子激发Χ射线荧光分析,测定每个样品的9种化学组分。对这些数据进行模糊聚类分析,所有钧官瓷胎样品被分为3大类。由此可推断,制作这批钧官瓷胎的原料不是来自于同一批料;不同类钧官瓷胎的原料来源和成分接近但又有所不同;当时的窑工采用一批胎料同时烧制各种釉色的瓷器。


    Abstract: For finding out the source of raw materials and classification relationship of different glaze colors Junguan porcelain bodies, 50 body samples of Junguan porcelain with eight different glaze colors were selected, and nine chemical compositions in the body samples were determined by proton induced X-ray emission(PIXE). The data were analyzed by fuzzy cluster analysis method. The result indicates that all Junguan porcelain bodies are divided into 3 categories, and they might be made from different group of raw materials. The sources of the raw material and the compositions of Junguan porcelain bodies of different category are similar but not the same. It can be concluded that the kiln workers of that time used the same group of raw material to fire the various glaze colored porcelains.


