
Hard X-ray Energy Spectrum on Ultrashort Pulse Laser Interaction With Solid Target

  • 摘要: 本实验使用高纯锗探测器,运用单光子法,对超短脉冲激光与固体铜靶相互作用产生的硬X射线能谱进行测量。实验结果表明:在激光强度I≈8×1016 W/cm2的P极化光以45°入射角照射5 mm铜靶、探测立体角为4.5×10-6的实验条件下,产生的硬X射线的能量主要集中在低于100 keV能量范围内,超热电子温度分别为(7.4±0.7) keV和(19.5±1.6) keV。


    Abstract: An HPGe detector was used to measure the hard X-ray energy spectrum produced by the interaction between the ultrashort pulse laser and copper solid target. The intensity of the P polarized light is about 8×1016W/cm2. The experimental results show that the energy of X-ray is almost less than 100 keV and the temperatures of hot electrons are (7.4±0.7) keV and (19.5±1.4) keV, respectively under the condition that the angle of incidence of laser is about 45°and the detection solid angle is about 4.5×10-6.


