
Effect of Pulse Bias Voltage on Adhesive Strength of Magnetron Sputtering Ion Plated Al Coating on Depleted Uranium Surface

  • 摘要: 采用磁控溅射离子镀技术在不同偏压下于贫铀表面制备铝镀层,用扫描电镜和俄歇电子能谱仪对镀层形貌和界面元素分布进行分析,用拉伸法对镀层的结合强度进行测定。结果表明:在-900 V脉冲偏压下所得镀层与铀基体结合良好,镀层与基体之间存在较为明显的“伪扩散区”;与直流偏压相比较,脉冲偏压所得镀层结合强度明显增强,镀层的致密性显著改善。


    Abstract: Al coatings on depleted uranium surface were prepared with magnetron sputtering ion plating process at different pulse bias voltages. Surface and interfacial morphology of Al coatings were observed with scanning electron microscope. The distribution of element near interface between Al coating and uranium substrate was analyzed with Auger electron spectroscopy. The adhesive strength of Al coatings on uranium surface was measured with tensile method. Al coating prepared with pulse bias voltage at -900 V has better adhesive property to uranium substrate, and pseudo diffusion zone is relatively obvious at the interface between them. Compared with DC bias voltage, the coatings prepared with pulse bias voltage have enhanced adhesive strength and improved density.


