350 keV电子高压加速器研制

Development of 350 keV Electron Accelerator

  • 摘要: 加速器辐照装置用于辐照生产医用输液塑料袋原膜材。所研制的350 keV电子高压加速器具有以下特点:在静电加速器中采用高压倍压电源代替输电带,此新型结构加速器可输出低能大功率电子束,且体积小、自屏蔽,适于在线辐照加工;一般高压倍压电源采用50 Hz供电,而在此装置中由14 kHz中频电源供电,高压电源体积小。加速器空载高压达370 kV,电子束350 keV/20 mA,扫描宽度70 cm,辐照剂量不均匀性好于7%。该加速器辐照装置已投入运行,并已生产出合格医用输液袋膜材投放市场,产品填补了国内医用输液袋膜材市场的空白。


    Abstract: The 350 keV electron accelerator is used for irradiation and production of plastic film of the medical infusion bags. The body structure of Van de Graff accelerator and the high voltage power supply of Cockcrof-Walton accelerator are adopted in the electron accelerator. The 350 keV DC power supply is supplied by the high frequency power supply with 14 kHz and 35 kW. The body and DC power supply of the electron accelerator are installed in the tank filled with 0.3 MPa SF6. The electron accelerator is compact, self-shielding and suitable for on-line electron beam processing. The main characteristics of the facility are terminal voltage 370 kV, electron beam power 7 kW (350 keV/20 mA), scaning width 70 cm, irradiation dose inuniformity ≤7%.


