
Measurement of Neutron Spectrum and Induced γ-Spectrum in Vanadium Sphere and Depleted Uranium Sphere

  • 摘要: 为获得介质内中子能谱及伴生γ能谱的实验数据,在中心D-T中子照射下,用18 mm×20 mm的茋闪烁体探测器,测量了与D+束成45°角的水平方向距球心7、10、13、16、19、22 cm位置处贫化铀球介质内的中子能谱和伴生γ能谱,以及钒球内与D+束成 0°角、距离球心1.8、4.8和8.3 cm处的中子能谱和伴生γ能谱。用MCNP/4B程序和ENDF/B-VI库数据对实验模型进行模拟计算,并与实验结果进行了比较。


    Abstract: In-vivo neutron and gamma spectra of depleted uranium sphere and vanadium sphere under central D-T neutron source were measured,with a 18 mm×20 mm stilbene crystal detector, at 7,10,13,16,19,22 cm away to the center in 45° direction in depleted-uranium sphrer, and 1.8,4.8,8.3 cm away to the center in the 0° direction in V sphere. Simulation was carried out using MCNP code with ENDF/B-Ⅵ database, and the calculated result was compared with the measured result.


