
Experiment Research on Single Event Burnout of Power MOSFET Devices With 252Cf Source

  • 摘要: 本工作涉及利用252Cf源进行辐射效应试验研究的方法。结合功率MOSFET器件单粒子烧毁测试技术,对功率MOSFET器件辐射效应进行模拟试验研究。研究结果表明:在空间辐射环境下,功率MOSFET器件尽量使用在低电压范围内;在电路设计中附加必要的限流电阻是1种十分有效的抗单粒子烧毁措施。


    Abstract: The method in simulation of radiation effect test by 252Cf source was introduced, and the single event burnout experiment was carried out. The research result indicates that power MOSFET devices should be operated at the lowest voltage range under the radiation environment in the space, and adding a resister to confine the current in the circuit is an effective reinforce to avoid single event burnout.


