
RWM-B Continuous Radioactive Liquid Monitor System

  • 摘要: 核设施液态流出物的监测是鉴别核设施生产运行是否处于正常状况不可缺少的有力措施,也是评价核设施辐射安全的重要手段。本工作涉及RWM-B放射性水连续监测仪的研制。该监测系统采用高气压氙气电离室作为探测器,以8051单片计算机作为控制主机,电路上采用弱电流测量方法。如果5 min 报告1次数据结果,取95%置信度,在普通天然本底条件下,探测下限则可达到2 644 Bq/m3


    Abstract: It is necessary that on-line liquid monitor system is installed in nuclear power plant. And it is an important measurement to be taken in evaluation on nuclear safety in nuclear facilities. This system consists of high pressure ionization chamber detector filled with Xe gas, 8051 single chip control unit and low current measuring amplifier. If the system shows the data per 5 min, and the confidence level is set to 95%, in the condition of natural radioactivity background, the detected limit is 2 644 Bq/m3.


