Experiment Research on Scandate Cathode Electron Gun Emitting Electron Beams Under Double Short Pulses Working Condition
摘要: 本工作研究在ns量级双脉冲高压下钪酸盐阴极电子枪电流发射。实验中采用Blumlein线形成ns量级脉冲高压作为电子枪馈入高压,脉冲宽度约为80 ns,双脉冲间隔约为300 ns。实验结果表明:在消除了空间高频干扰后,法拉第筒测量到的电子枪发射电流脉冲形状与馈入的ns量级双脉冲高压形状非常吻合。由此验证了钪酸盐阴极电子枪对ns级脉冲高压发射响应能力能满足双短脉冲高压工作状态要求,可以作为ns量级多脉冲电子束注入器。Abstract: This present research concerns in the scandate cathode electron gun emitting electron beams under double nanosecond order pulses high voltage condition. Double nanosecond order high voltage pulses were feed in the scandate cathode electron gun by the Blumlein line method, each with pulse flat-top for 80 ns and the time interval of double pulses for 300 ns. Experiment results show that the shapes of measuring beam currents by the Faraday cup accord with the ones of nanosecond order high voltage pulses feeding in the gun. The scandate cathode electron gun can be the multi-beams injector under nanosecond order pulse working condition because its electron beam emitting response ability for the nanosecond order pulse can satisfy with the double short pulses working condition.