
Equivalence Study on Heavy Ion and Pulsed Laser Simulation of Single-vent Upset Threshold

  • 摘要: 根据重离子和脉冲激发诱发单粒子翻转机理,分析了重离子和脉冲激光模拟单粒子翻转阈值(激光能量与重离子线性能量转移(LET))等效方法,得出脉冲激光与重离子单粒子翻转阈值等效计算公式。应用实验室的激光模拟单粒子效应试验系统,开展了几种器件和集成电路的单粒子翻转实验研究。利用获得的计算公式计算激光等效LET阈值,并与国内外重离子实测数据进行比较。结果表明,脉冲激光能量等效LET阈值与重离子试验LET阈值较为一致。


    Abstract: A new theoretical method was presented to predict heavy ion single event upset (SEU) linear energy transfer threshold (LETth) from pulsed laser SEU simulation experimental results. In order to determine equivalent method validity, laboratory laser simulation system (LSS) was employed to measure the single event upset threshold for some electronic devices and integrated circuits. The experimental data of single event upset induced by pulsed laser were compared with the heavy ion SEU data. The results show that LETth of SEU induced by pulsed laser is consistent with the heavy ions for some devices and integrated circuits.


