
Numerical Simulation of 239PuO2 Particles Deposition Distribution in Lung Bronchium Model

  • 摘要: 为研究核事故条件下钚材料对人体产生的危害,用计算流体动力学模拟计算239PuO2微粒在人体支气管中的沉积率和沉积位置。结果表明:所吸入的239PuO2微粒主要沉积在肺气管一、二级分叉处。研究结果可对事故状态下239PuO2微粒的防护和人体活体肺中铀、钚等核素沉积量的测量提供参考。


    Abstract: In order to research the damages of plutonium to the human body in the nuclear accident conditions, 239PuO2 particles deposition location and deposition rate in the lung bronchium were simulated with computational fluid dynamic method in the paper. The results show that inhaled 239PuO2 particles deposit mostly in the first and the second bifurcation of the lung airway. The research can give references to the nuclear measurement concerned in the plutonium and uranium nuclide deposited in the human’s lung airway under nuclear accident conditions.


