
Application of Monte-Carlo Method in Multi-telescope System Based on Cylindrical Multi-wire Proportional Chamber

  • 摘要: 基于圆柱型多丝正比室的多路望远镜系统具有良好的粒子鉴别性能和真事件判选特性,可同时进行多个反应角度的测量,也可同时进行效应谱和本底谱的测量,适合用于研究快中子引起的出射带电粒子的反应。简要介绍了该系统的基本结构及特点,并说明蒙特卡罗方法在该系统中的实际应用情况。


    Abstract: The multi-telescope system based on cylindrical multi-wire proportional chamber not only has perfect performance of particle and true event identification but also can measure multi-angle charged particle energy spectra and corresponding background at the same time. The system is suitable for study on charged particle emission induced by fast neutron reaction. The structure and performance of the multi-telescope system was introduced briefly and Monte-Carlo method used in this system was mainly described.


