Measurement of Total Fission Number by Delayed Neutron Method for Burst Reactor
摘要: 用长计数器测量已知裂变率的缓发中子计数率,然后用同一探测系统测量脉冲后的缓发中子计数率,探测系统的探测效率、缓发中子份额和缓发中子先驱核半衰期等参数均不变,从而建立起利用脉冲堆脉冲后的缓发中子衰减曲线确定脉冲裂变总数的方法。该方法的相对标准不确定度(不包含稳定功率运行裂变率的不确定度)为4%。测量的30次脉冲的裂变总数与其它方法得到的结果一致。Abstract: ased on the comparison of the delayed neutron counter rate of known fission rate with the delayed neutron counter rate of a burst, a method to determine burst total fission number of burst reactor was built. The relative standard uncertainty of total fission number is 4% using BF3 long counters as detector. The measured 30 burst total fission numbers are according with that from other methods.