
On-Line Determination of Pulsed Parameters for Pulsed Extraction

  • 摘要: 在柱径为38、50和100 mm的折流板脉冲萃取柱中,以30%TRPO煤油溶液和1 mol/L HNO3溶液为体系,研究吹气法在线测量脉冲萃取柱的脉冲频率和脉冲振幅。实验结果表明:吹气法所得的瞬时压降信号可准确确定脉冲频率,而瞬时压降信号的1个周期面积可确定脉冲振幅。峰面积值与脉冲萃取柱的板数和板开孔率参数成正比,与柱径和脉冲振幅成指数关系。在此基础上,得出了30%TRPO煤油/1 mol/L HNO3体系脉冲振幅的经验关联式,并在两相流条件下得到了验证。


    Abstract: This paper aims to measure pulsed amplitude and pulsed frequency online for 30%TRPOkerosene solution/the HNO3 solution through 38, 50 and 100 mm diameter discs and doughnuts pulsed extraction column by air purge method. It is shown that pulsed frequency and pulsed amplitude can be respectively determined by the instantaneous pressure drop and by the area of the instantaneous pressure drop within one period. The value of the area is direct proportional to the number of baffler and the parameter of free area ratio, but it increases exponentially with the diameter of the column and the pulsed amplitude. Based on above results, the correlation of the area and pulsed amplitude is achieved and then proved by experiments.


