
Influence of Oil on Measurement of Grease Stain Thickness in Oil Pipeline

  • 摘要: 为改进石油输送过程中的油垢厚度检测方法,本工作借助实验和MCNP程序研究射线散射法测量输油管道中油垢厚度。计算结果表明,半油情况下对油垢厚度的测量与无油情况下的偏离不超过4.19%。在此情况下,用γ射线散射法测量油垢厚度是一可行途径。


    Abstract: In order to improve the measurement method of the oil grease stain thickness in oil pipeline, gamma scattering method was adopted and studied experimentally and theoretically. The calculated results by MCNP method show the grease stain thickness difference obtained at half oil and no oil conditions is below 4.19%, and it means that the gamma scattering method is a practicable way for the measurement of the grease stain thickness.


