
Characterization of Dielectric/Metallic Multilayer UV Filter Irradiated by γ-ray, Neutron and Laser Beams

  • 摘要: 利用电子束蒸发方法制备用于BaF2晶体慢成分滤光的多层介质/金属紫外滤光膜系。在γ射线、中子和激光辐照环境中研究薄膜的损伤特性。结果表明:薄膜对γ射线和中子具有优良的耐辐照特性;在激光辐照环境中,薄膜的激光损伤阈值受多层薄膜中金属层的影响,激光入射时,最先辐照到的金属层的厚度决定了多层薄膜的耐激光辐照损伤特性。


    Abstract: Dielectric/metallic multilayer UV filter applied for the suppression of slow component of BaF2 scintillator was prepared with electron beam evaporation, and the effects of γ-ray, neutron and laser beam on the filter were characterized. Results show that the performance of the filter keeps unchanged under γ-ray irradiation of 1×105 Gy and neutron irradiation of 4.0×1013cm-2. The damage threshold of the filter irradiated by laser beams is related to the layer which was first encountered by the laser beam, and its thickness determines the damage threshold of the filter.


