
Program of Fuel Element in HTR-10

  • 摘要: 中国的高温气冷堆(HTR-10)属球床型高温气冷堆,采用球形燃料元件。在运行工况下,由于温度和辐照引起的应力变化会使燃料元件发生失效,对其进行分析可更多了解燃料元件内的情况。本文主要介绍了球形燃料元件的基本结构,以及燃料元件的温度分布、应力分析、破损率计算模型,并计算了在一定堆工条件下的温度和应力分布。


    Abstract: HTR-10 is a type of pebble bed hightemperature reactor with spherical fuel element. Under high burn up irradiation, the stress due to high temperature irradiation will cause broken of fuel element. Therefore, to research the stress of the fuel element under high burn up irradiation is important. This paper introduces the structure of spherical fuel element, researches the temperature, stress and broken probability of fuel element. And also develops a program and judges the safety of fuel element through calculation.


