
Study on Corrosion Behavior of New Zr-Nb Alloy

  • 摘要: 对国产新型锆铌合金进行了元件表面带有热负荷情况下的堆外动水腐蚀实验,同时进行500 ℃蒸汽腐蚀实验及在氢氧化锂和硼酸水中的静水腐蚀实验,获得了不同腐蚀实验条件下样品的增重或氧化膜厚度,并与改进Zr-4的数据进行了比较。利用光学显微镜(OM)对腐蚀形成的氧化膜进行了分析,采用惰气脉冲红外法测量了样品的氢含量,并用OM观察了基体中氢化物的形貌和分布。实验结果表明,国产新型锆铌合金的抗腐蚀性能优于改进Zr-4,而新型锆铌合金中细小均匀分布的第二相粒子是其具有优异抗腐蚀性能的原因。


    Abstract: To study the corrosion behavior of new domestic Zr-Nb alloy, specimens were exposed under different conditions, including 350 ℃ static water with lithium and boron, 500 ℃ steam by autoclave, and dynamic water with heat flux of 100 W/cm2 on the surface of the specimens by out of pile loop. The microstructure of new Zr-Nb alloy was characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The morphology of oxide films was investigated by optical microscopy (OM). The hydrogen pickups were measured by inert gas fusion and IR detection, and hydrides were also observed by OM. The results indicate that new Zr-Nb alloy has superior in corrosion resistance to optimized Zr-4. The microstructure of alloy analyzed by TEM shows that fine and uniformly distributed second phase particles are beneficial for improving corrosion resistance of Zr-Nb alloy.


