
Test for Mechanical Properties on 6061-T6 Aluminium of China Advanced Research Reactor

  • 摘要: 采用紧凑拉伸C(T)试样和短比例拉伸试样,分别对中国先进研究堆(CARR)堆芯容器材料T6061-T6铝与普通6061-T6铝旋压前、后断裂韧度和拉伸性能进行实测。试验数据表明:6061-T6铝的断裂韧度、拉伸性能与硼﹑镉等微量元素含量基本无关;经锻造旋压后与仅做锻造比较,T6061-T6铝的延性和断裂韧度有较大提高,各向异性得到改善。


    Abstract: The fracture toughness and tensile properties of 6061-T6 Al before and after spinning were tested using C(T) and tensile specimens, respectively. Test results show that the anisotropy, ductility and K1cof 6061-T6 Al are improved significantly by spinning, but no obvious changes are observed with reducing the contents of B and Cd.


