
In-Situ Observation of Dislocation Loop Induced by Electron Irradiation on China Low Activation Martensitic Steel

  • 摘要: 高流强的中子辐照在结构材料内部产生严重的级联离位损伤,使得材料性能下降,而辐照缺陷是聚变堆材料性能下降的根本原因。为了研究结构材料在高辐照剂量下的损伤机理,针对中国低活化马氏体钢(CLAM钢),通过使用高能电子辐照来模拟中子对材料造成的高剂量辐照损伤,并对微观结构进行原位观察。进行了辐照下产生的位错环随辐照剂量的演化过程的观察,并分析了位错环浓度和尺寸随辐照剂量和温度的变化规律。


    Abstract: High displacement damage is produced in structural materials when irradiated with high energy neutron. And the property degrading is induced in materials because of lots of irradiation defaults. In order to investigate the irradiation defaults, high energy electron irradiation experiment on China low activation martensitic (CLAM) steel was carried out with high voltage electron microscope (JEM-ARM1300) to simulate the high displacement damage and to in-situ observe the change of microstructure with irradiation dose increasing. Dislocation loops were observed during the irradiation process. Changes of size and density of dislocation loops with the irradiation dose increasing were analyzed.


