
Study on Calibration Technique of System Deviation of Multi-collector Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  • 摘要: 研究和建立了用于多接收热电离质谱法准确测量同位素丰度的系统偏差校正技术。对于质量分馏效应引起的系统偏差,研究了用同位素标准物质和全蒸发两种技术进行校正。对于多接收器接收效率的校正,建立了峰跳校正技术。对于放大器增益的校正,研究了标准电源轮流接入各个放大器和虚拟放大器两种校正技术。特别是对于放大器非线性和离子计数非线性,建立了新的校正模型。通过对系统偏差的校正,实现对同位素丰度比值的多接收热电离质谱法准确测量。


    Abstract: The system deviation of multi-collector thermal ionization mass spectrometry was researched, and the calibration techniques were established. The mass fractionation, multi-collector efficiency and the amplifier gain were calibrated by using isotope reference material and total evaporation technique, peak jumping technique, standard voltage and virtual amplifier technique, espectively. The new mathematical model for calibrating the nonlinearity of the amplifiers and ion count system was also established, and the calibration techniques were put forward. Based on these techniques, the isotope ratios can be measured accurately by multi-collector mass spectrometry.


