
Irradiation Effect of Molybdenum-Rhenium Alloy

  • 摘要: 使用离子注入技术,将200 keV氙离子注入到Mo-Re合金薄膜中,实现对薄膜的表面选区辐照改性。该薄膜的合金成分用X射线荧光光谱(XRF)测出。利用白光干涉表面形貌仪,测量了辐照区的溅射刻蚀深度和表面粗糙度,评价了合金成分对薄膜辐照行为的影响。结果表明:适量Re的加入能够显著提高合金薄膜的抗溅射能力。


    Abstract: Using ion implantation technology, the selective surface modification was carried out on Mo-Re alloy films after the irradiation by Xe ions of 200 keV. The different alloy components of these films were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence spectrum (XRF). On the other hand, white-light interferometric profilometer was applied to measure the etching depth and surface roughness of the irradiated area, in order to investigate the relationship between alloy components and irradiation properties. The results show that the addition of Re could improve the anti-sputtering property of the Mo alloy films.


