
Preparation and Hydrogen Sensitivity of Pd Doped SnO2 Nanostructured Gas Sensor

  • 摘要: 以SnCl4•5H2O和PdCl2为原料,通过雾化热解方法制备原位Pd掺杂SnO2多孔纳米结构粉体,并通过涂覆形成薄膜传感器。利用XRD、FE-SEM对样品的结构和形貌进行表征,通过BET测定样品的孔径分布及比表面积。氢敏测试结果表明,Pd掺杂的SnO2薄膜气敏材料在低于150 ℃的操作温度下对质量浓度为10-4量级的H2显示出良好的气敏响应特性,这可能归因于粉体的多孔结构和Pd掺杂剂的催化效应。


    Abstract: Porous SnO2 nanostructured film gas sensor was fabricated by spray pyrolysis route using tin chloride pentahydrate (SnCl4•5H2O) and PdCl2 dopant as starting material. The phase, morphology and porous microstructure of the samples were characterized by XRD, FE-SEM and BET, respectively. Hydrogen sensitivity test reveals that the nanostructured gas sensor processes rapid response in 10-4concentration of H2 at temperature below 150 ℃, and the phenomenon can be attributed to pore structure and the improvement of gas absorption and catalytic effect of Pd dopant.


