
A Set-up of Micro-X-ray Fluorescence System Based on Polycapillary X-ray Optics and Applications for Archaeology

  • 摘要: 文章报道一种新型基于X光透镜的微束X射线荧光分析系统的结构、性能和特点及其在考古学中的应用。X光透镜将旋转阳极X射线发生器产生的X射线束聚成直径为几十微米的光束,可用于考古样品的无损微区分析。为检验微束分析系统的可行性,分析了1片明代青花瓷残片中青花部位的元素分布。分析结果表明:青花中Mn和Co元素的含量与青花颜色的深浅相一致。相关性分析表明:Mn和Co呈现良好线性相关;Mn和Co的含量或比值对青花的产地和真伪的辨别有重要意义。


    Abstract: The paper concerns in the structures, performances and characteristics and applications for archaeology of a new microX-ray fluorescence system based on rotating anode X-ray generator and polycapillary Xray optics. The polycapillary X-ray optics used here can focus the primary X-ray beam down to some tens of micrometers in diameters that allows for non-destructive and local analysis of sub-mm samples with minor/trace level sensitivity. In order to prove the potentials of this instrument used in archaeology, a piece of Chinese ancient blue and white porcelain produced in Ming Dynasty was analyzed. The results show that intensities of Mn-Kα, Co-Kα are variable in agree with the thick of blue glaze. The correlation analysis indicates the Mn and Co have the best correlations. So, the concentrations or ratios of Mn and Co are crucial to determine the provenance and identify from a fake one of Chinese ancient blue and white porcelain.


