Application of UV Laser Induced Fluorescence Microscopy to Test for Laser Damage of Optical Film
摘要: 光致荧光显微成像是观测电介质材料超微结构缺陷的有效手段。本工作研究利用KrF激光器照射光学器件表面激发的荧光成像探测光学元件薄膜激光损伤。建立了KrF激光的光致荧光成像系统,并用以进行了紫外光学镀膜损伤的现场测试。测试结果与采用Normaski显微镜的测试结果一致。Abstract: Fluorescence microscopy is a useful tool to image defect nanostructures in the bulk of dielectric materials. The application of microscopy with KrF laser induced fluorescence on optics to detect the damage of optical film was researched. A fluorescence image system was built and in-situ test for the damage of the optical film was performed to test capabilities. The tested results were checked by an ex-situ Normaski microscope, and the both are in agreement.